Thursday, July 1, 2010

What is the best medicine for a colon cancer

What is the best medicine for a colon cancer?

Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
Prayer. JK
2 :
The best medicine for Colon cancer is probably surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, cancer doesn't just "go away" by itself.
3 :
There are established medical protocols for each type of colon cancer and a blood test (CEA) to follow-up. I expect, the treatment depends on staging. It could be a combination of surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. Upon completion of the clinical "staging evaluation", surgery is performed to remove the cancer along with part of the normal adjacent colon. Following surgical removal of colon cancer and examination of removed tissue under a microscope, a final "pathologic" stage will be given. This may be a letter or a number, as several different staging systems are used to describe colon cancer. All new treatment information concerning colon cancer is categorized and discussed by the stage. In order to learn more about the most recent information available concerning the treatment of colon cancer, click on the appropriate stage. Stage I or A-B1: Cancer is confined to the lining of the colon. Stage II or B2-3: Cancer may penetrate the wall of the colon into the abdominal cavity or other adjacent organs but does not invade any local lymph nodes. Stage III or C1-3: Cancer invades one or more of the local lymph nodes but has not spread to other distant organs. Stage IV or D: Cancer has spread to distant locations in the body, which may include the liver, lungs, bones or other sites. Recurrent/Relapsed: Colon cancer has progressed or returned (recurred/relapsed) following initial treatment. After the staging is done, the treatment plan will address areas to which it has spread, or may likely spread... Some people eat special foods, take special nutrients...but this is not my area of expertise. Far as RX (medicine) there are undoubtedly current medicines, and probably ones being tested in clinical trials to see if they work even better. Constant area of study.
4 :
I assume you mean medication not treatment? There is no “best medicine�. It is not a one size fits all situation. There are several factors that must be taken into consideration and this is usually where a doctor comes in handy.

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