Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hamerrhoids or colon cancer

Hamerrhoids or colon cancer ?
I had a bump in my ass about 5 days ago. It hurt while sitting or going to take S***. There was never any blood, only a red bump on the face of anus. Now, there is no pain and the size of bump has reduced. Is it just hamerrhoids or colon cancer. I am really worried.
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
sounds like a hemorrhoid =nothing to worry about ,since the swelling is gone
2 :
Heamerroid. Colon cancer oes not reduce after 5 days and is not visible from the outside. As a test for yourselve. Colon cancer feels almost rock hard (really really hard) whereas a heameroid is as soft as normal skin.
3 :
just hemerrhoids, they hurt don't they, go to your doctor and get some cream for it cause it will return, if you use the cream as soon as the itch starts you should be spared the pain caues it won't get big and sore . if you are worried about it being colon cancer get you doctor to check you out
4 :
If your serious, I suggest you go see a doctor. My father was misdiagnosed with hemroids, but really had colon cancer, and it could have ended fatally. Thankfully they found the tumour in time. But get ti checked out. its better to be safe than sorry,in this case anyways.
5 :
It is best to get yourself checked. While it looks like hemorrhoids, a small bump can sometimes be an indication of something more serious. There is really no way of telling unless you get a proper diagnosis. If you need to read about hemorrhoids or colon cancer, check out this informative site

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