Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I have damage in the lower intestines/colon from radiation cancer treatment 5 years ago. Any help

I have damage in the lower intestines/colon from radiation cancer treatment 5 years ago. Any help?
I would appreciate any help. Hoping for others who have had the same problem tell me what helped them or anyone with any ideas. Alternative treatments would be greatly appreciated but would consider others. Thanks. The details are that I need to have bowel movements several times a day and may not have good digestion (therefore, the supplements I take may not be working as well as they should be.). Which also causes raw tissue from excessive wiping. Sorry if this is too explicit. I have radiation colitis.
Cancer - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
what about homeopathic treatment
2 :
I'm not sure what kind of damage you're talking about, but you may have heard of Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, MD and his WaterCure protocol which applies to a wide range of health conditions, cancer being among them. Here are some links on WaterCure: A link to Dr. B's book that hugely deals with cancer in particular: Some cancer testimonials: You may also want to visit Dr. Lorraine Day's, MD website at Dr. Day is a renowned medical pro who successfully battled terminal stage breast cancer with natural means. You can contact her directly through this site. Hope this helps somehow.

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