Saturday, May 28, 2011

Question on Colon cancer

Question on Colon cancer?
It is possible for a person in his/her 20 to develop colon caner? Could it be cured? If there's no cure, and if this person is diagnosed with colon cancer, how long can this person live?
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
according to what stage it is in
2 :
Sure you can get colon cancer at a young age. A cure? Well, if caught early enough they can remove the cancer and then you have either chemo or radiation to make sure they got all the cancer cells and if you are VERY will go into remission.
3 :
If you have any doubts, go and get it checked out, cancer if caught early has a good chance of recovery.
4 :
Yes, it is possible for someone in his/her 20 to have colon cancer. It is not common, but can occur. Treament depends on whether the cancer hgas spread or not to other organs such as liver, lungs...etc. Life expectancy also depends on stage of cancer. Surgical resection /chemotherapy and radiation therapy have been shown to be effective if cancer is detected early.
5 :
Here are the answers:- 1. It IS possible to get a cancer even in 20 year of age. 2. Cure - Depends on whether the cancer is localized or has spread. A. If localized - Operation can cure it. B. If spread - Then Supportive treatment should be given. 3. If a person is diagnosed with Colon cancer - Then one needs to know the EXTENT of disease to determine the expected life span. Regards,
6 :
Life expectancy can certainly be increased with the right approach, and a cure is possible. I have always believed that the mainstream medical industry is not interested in finding a cure for cancer because it makes too much profit with its present barbarous methods. Eventually, I came across a detailed report which agreed with my findings, and I have included it in my web page at By reading this report, you will also convince yourself that it is best to ignore the mainstream cancer industry, and seek alternative cures. Also you should bear in mind that the medical industry will do anything to protect its profitable position, including disparaging alternative healers or even creating bogus court cases. I believe that cancer is a whole body thing, which in 80 percent of cases manifests itself by producing symptoms in the weaker parts of the body, and therefore appearing localised. It is this treatment of symptoms instead of cause which creates the profitable, yet non-successful approach of mainstream medicine. Some cures are listed on the web page too. It is therefore obvious that a holistic approach is required, based on cleansing, diet, exercise and debugging. CLEANSING The best way of cleansing is to fast. but if a patient is too weak for that, or does not fancy the idea, then alternative cleanses are available. Colon Cleanse Bowel cleanse kidney cleanse Liver cleanse Gallbladder cleanse Pancreas cleanse DIET, The best diet is vegetarian, avoiding all processed, frozen or micro-waved foods and drinks, and based on fresh fruit, fresh vegetables - preferably organic, nuts and seeds. Drinks should be clean water or freshly squeezed orange juice. Many researchers promote the benefits of vitamin B17 as a healer. this can be found in the following foods: Apple seeds, alfalfa sprouts, apricot kernels, bamboo shoots, barley, beet tops, bitter almond, blackberries, boysenberries, brewer̢۪s yeast, brown rice, buckwheat, cashews, cherry kernels, cranberries, currants, fava beans, flax seeds, garbanzo beans, gooseberries, huckleberries, lentils, lima beans, linseed meat, loganberries, macadamia nuts, millet, millet seed, peach kernels, pecans, plum kernels, quince, raspberries, sorghum cane syrup, spinach, sprouts (alfalfa, lentil, mung bean, buckwheat, garbanzo), strawberries, walnuts, watercress, yams. A commercial preparation of B17 is available called Laetrile. EXERCISE Exercise should be sufficient to create a sweat, but not sufficient to make you gasp for breath or feel over-tired. About one hours exercise every day is best. DEBUGGING There are various theories about how bugs create cancer. Hulda Clark suggests that parasites are the cause, and that they can be disposed of by using a zapper. Zappers are available from Super Zapper DeLuxe Clark Zapper with amazing features get a free CD ROM Terminator Crystal Orgone Zapper Blood Purification Parasite Solution Electrical stimulation devices for blood purification, parasites, relaxation, and addictions. High frequency parasite zapper. Includes product description and benefits.
7 :
its hard to answer this question without knowing the reason it was asked.Did an ad on television make you wonder,a close family member have colon cancer or polyps,did you see blood in your stool?Have you experienced recent changes in your bowel habits,do you have a family doctor or other health care professional to ask or relay your concerns. If a person is diagnosed with colon cancer, one must consider factors such as what stage the cancer is growing, does it effect any other organ,can it be surgically removed.Also the persons general health must be taken into consideration along with the general mental attitude toward the disease process.In addition what kind of support network is in place,not just medical but family and friends. i realize this was more questions than answers, but these are a few of the considerations.I hope everything turns out OK in your world.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Do low dose LDN and hyperberic oxygen cause any harm to colon cancer patient

Do low dose LDN and hyperberic oxygen cause any harm to colon cancer patient?

Cancer - 1 Answers
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Interesting concept but I have never met a survivor that attributed their cancer cure to this modality of treatment. However - using LDN would mean never taking any opiate pain pills and most cancer patients are not that tough (or stupid) to not take any pain meds if they are really in severe pain. Also, if you have cancer, it is often hard to predict when you might need a biopsy or surgery and taking LDN would also complicate being able to have procedures or surgery done on short notice.

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Question on colon cancer

Question on colon cancer?
A male friend of mine had surgery two weeks ago and they resectioned his colon. They removed a golf sized tumor and he has yet to have his first visit with the oncologist. His sugeon said cancer cells were found on the lympnodes around the cancer site and he will be getting chemo. Will he be alright and what is the probable outcome?
Cancer - 2 Answers
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Treatment are long but they work if he does what the oncologist instruct him to do. I was on chemo for a year. I came off November 2007 an I am doing great.
2 :
depends on the staging and how distant the cancer has metasticized. My dad died 6 wks after being diagnosed with colon sister was diagnosed teminal at age 44 in 4/04 and is still fighting on...

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Monday, May 16, 2011

Who was the first person to have colon cancer

Who was the first person to have colon cancer?

Cancer - 3 Answers
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Colonel Crapp
2 :
Impossible to answer. Cancer is an ancient disease that has always been around. You can find bone cancer in fossilized human remains, the Egyptian mummies had evidence of breast cancer . . and some of the first written accounts in 1600 B.C about cancer said, "There is no treatment." The word for the disease 'cancer' is credited to Greek physician Hippocrates (460-370 B.C). So . . no one knows who the first person was to have colon cancer. Cancer isn't a modern disease at all. ACS: The history of cancer
3 :
I think his name was Og, and his witch doctor tried to treat him with alligator dung.

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Do I have Colon cancer

Do I have Colon cancer?
I have had a feeling of full bowels for about a month and a half now. When i go to the bathroom i still feel like i have a full bowel. It is annoying. But here is the thing I am only 16, have found no blood in the stool, there is a lil mucus in the stool, and no pain to speak of anywhere. My family has no history of colon cancer but im hoping im not the first. Please help me.
Cancer - 8 Answers
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you shold go see a doctor
2 :
That's a tricky one - you may have diverticulitis and diverticulosis. See a doctor.
3 :
yes you do you should probably go check that out you can die from it. people with this cancer just have to get a doctor to deal with it but you are fine it will pass hopefully but if not you will die and never see another day well good luck in the future :)
4 :
why don't you ask a doctor instead of people on the internet who most likely don't have medical experience and could either tell you that you do have it and you freak out, or tell you that you don't have it and you could die unexpectedly, just ask a doctor, or someone who went to medical school, okay dude?
5 :
At the age of 16 the chance of your having colon cancer is virtually nil. It tends to affect the over-50s. Diverticular disease is also something that affects aging people. It sounds like it could be irritable bowel syndrome. It could also possibly be a food intolerance, which you can develop in your teens. Wheat or dairy are the usual suspects. Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's or UC) are usually more severe than you describe, and there is blood. Nobody on here can help you really. You need to *see* a doctor for that!
6 :
16 and worrying about Colon cancer?Wow... dude worry about real things that could happen to. Car accidents, drug OD, ect ect. Basically unheard of until you reach at least your late 20s. And even then it doesnt become a likley cancer until a person is in their 40s.
7 :
i higly doubt it since your only sixteen your better off asking a doctor than people on here
8 :
No, you are too young to get this.

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Why is the survival rate of a colon cancer stage IV only 8% but a stage III is 68%

Why is the survival rate of a colon cancer stage IV only 8% but a stage III is 68%?

Cancer - 3 Answers
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because it depends how much it has spread. stage 4 means it's spread to more of the body than stage 3, making it harder to eliminate from the body. once it gets to your liver...not good!
2 :
Stage 4 implies distant metastatic foci, mostly involving the liver, which doesn't respond well to any Rx.
3 :
There are 3 parts to stage III 3A 3B and 3C. Stage IIIB has a 5-year survival rate of about 56-60%. As the stage gets higher the survival rate gets lower. Which stage 3 a colon cancer falls is determined by a combination of the depth of invasion and the number of lymph nodes involved. This tells us statically how likely the disease will progress. Colon cancer is a stage IV when cancer has spread to a distant site. It is most often the liver, but it does not have to be. The survival rate is so much lower because once cancer has spread to a distant site we know cancer cells are circulating in the body and it is nearly impossible to stop them.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Protonix and colon cancer

Protonix and colon cancer?
I am a student nurse and a patient I am taking care of is on Pantoprazole Inj (Protonix). She recently had her part of her colon removed due to cancer. I read this med is for erosive esophagitis assoc. w/ GERD. How would this be related to her colon cancer or would they be separate issues?
Cancer - 1 Answers
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Well the strength of protonix is insane! It basically eliminates most stomach acid....which...the obvious reason we have stomach acid is bc it breaks our food down. But when we dont have much left bc of it being neutralized....its possible that the digestive system can get out of wack. I doubt they are directly connected though.

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Since evolution is a religion,, isn't colon cancer one, too

Since evolution is a religion,, isn't colon cancer one, too?
that would explain all the colon cancer questions
Religion & Spirituality - 12 Answers
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When did evolution become a religion...I must of missed that meeting
2 :
That guy is creepy.
3 :
Evolution isn't a religion. You know better than that.
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Cancer is not the most pleasant thing in the world to talk about.
6 :
yes, its called atheism also
7 :
Idiot Creationist Propaganda! Stop listening to bozos like Ben Stein.
8 :
If you guys don't know islam and christian does claim even evolution is a design of god
9 :
its not a religion, my friend.
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Did I missed some thing?
11 :
Seriously is that guy asking all the colon cancer questions being serious or is he trolling? I can't tell if he's lost or just sucks at humor.
12 :
No. Colon cancer is a description for a medical condition. Evolution is a faith based belief. I don't see how any remotely intelligent person could confuse the two.

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