Saturday, August 28, 2010

What can they do about colon cancer

What can they do about colon cancer?
My grandma has colon cancer and the doctor said it spread all over her body. They said that there was nothing we can do anymore and all we can do it pray. Is that really true? they cant do anything????
Cancer - 2 Answers
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I'm sorry about your grandmother's diagnosis. It sounds like she has been diagnosed with what doctors call metastatic cancer, meaning the cancer started in the colon, but has now spread to other places. There may be things they can do to make your grandmother feel more comfortable, but the best medications and treatments we have right now have a very hard time treating this serious of a disease.
2 :
doctors usually prescribe chemotherapy but if it's spread too much then the chemo directed at all those places would kill your grandma. if you want to do something.... go and research colloidal silver. has it it boosts the immune system and has antimicrobial properties. now if it can buy your grandma time, u must use that time to look up bob beck protocol. the devices can be hand built but sota instruments sells all 4 of them. (the ozonator can be found on ebay cheap). then again,.... it sounds like you're too young to look into these stuff.... i dunno if u can prove me wrong. btw praying is not going to help, u gotta take back your power....use ur brain and internet

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What 's colon cancer survival rate if caught early

What 's colon cancer survival rate if caught early?

Cancer - 6 Answers
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The survival rate is much better if the cancer is caught early:
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Earlier studies have indicated that the chances of inheriting cancer of the large bowel is very large. But recently scientists also found that in this case the patient's chances for a cure... improving.
3 :
get your doubts clear about Cancer related issues solved here
4 :
At stage 1 the 5 year survival rate is 90-95%. At stage 2A it is 80% & 2B it is 75%.
5 :
It depends on the treatment you are given.
6 :
The survival rate is extremely high. When Americans are screened and diagnosed early they have a 90% survival rate. In fact, by finding and removing precancerous polyps that can develop into cancer, colorectal cancer can be stopped before it ever starts. Screenings also detect colorectal cancer early which is when it is most curable. For more information I suggest visiting

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Friday, August 20, 2010

How bad is it if a person has both cancer of the colon and cancer of the liver

How bad is it if a person has both cancer of the colon and cancer of the liver?
My mother in law has it. They already removed part of her colon...then they found the liver cancer and now she needs chemo and radiation. It's pretty scary.
Cancer - 11 Answers
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Colon cancer is one of the worst. Both together would be bad news indeed....
2 :
Pretty bad... that gives it alot of room to spread around all over... but IDK because ive seen some people with pretty bad cancer and theyve gotten through it
3 :
That would be double-bad!
4 :
you will mostly likely die soon.....
5 :
I'll be honest. The outlook is not very good. My husband's mother had cancer just like this. They did what surgury they could (removed her colon and as much of the cancer around the liver that they could). She also had chemo and tried experimental drugs. She lived long enough to see her son (my husband) graduate from college (before we were married) and died three months after that. She lived a total of 2 years after the cancer was initially found. We tried to set out wedding date early enough to give her another goal, but she was ready to go home to her Lord and Saviour in heaven. Who do you know who has this type of cancer? Give your support and prayers everyday. It will offer encouragement both for you and this person.
6 :
All i know its bad. Having 2 cancers in general is bad because i know someone who has 2 cancers and he is just counting his days. He got the highest level, worst one.
7 :
very bad
8 :
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Help your brother and his family during this difficult period of transition. Your MIL doesn't have long. sorry source - brother's passing
10 :
I'm sorry to hear about your mother in law it doesn't sound very good i would get some more information from the Dr. i'm sure they could answer this better for you.
11 :
Unfortunately the cure rate for liver cancer or liver metastases (cancer that has spread to the liver) is not good. Treatment options are typically for palliation (to control symptoms).

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Monday, August 16, 2010

My friend has colon cancer, spread to the liver and surrounding lymph nodes

My friend has colon cancer, spread to the liver and surrounding lymph nodes.?
It has been a year since diagnosis. They stoped the chemo at some point, because the cancer had shrunk. Now recent cat scan shows it has started to grow again, and they have once again started the chemo. Is this common? chemo stoped and starting again, and how often can they do this? I would like some real facts. Or will this time, the chemo be not as affective? Thanks so much for your attention.
Cancer - 2 Answers
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Unfortunately things do not look very promising at all. Once organs like liver are involved it's too late. I am truly very sorry. Yes, chemo does stop at a certain point. Now with a second try of chemo, some more time may be bought, but do not expect a cure. Spend some good time with your friend; he/she may not have long.
2 :
Normally, the doctor will do a biopsy on the cell to determine the type of cancer. Chemotherapy is depend on the stages of cancer your friend presently is in, and the cost of drug your friend could afford. Some even opt for surgery + chemotherapy to enhance the success.A cancer patient will normally be monitor atleast for the next five years after the chemo actually stops. Yearly CT or MRI is use to assess the growth of the cancer cell so I would said it is common procedure.

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Is there a posibilty i could get colon cancer

Is there a posibilty i could get colon cancer?
my grandpa is at stage 3 of colon cancer and my mom went to check for colon cancer and they found a polyps and removed it and not sure of my dad cause i don't' know who he is so could i get colon cancer
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
Anyone can get colon cancer. Positive genetic history does increase your personal chances of getting colon cancer. Fortunately colon cancer is relatively easy to diagnose and stop before it becomes a problem if you follow recommended guidelines with routine health physicals and once you reach a certain age, routine colonoscopies to rule out colon cancer. If you have a positive family history and you are over 40, a GI doc or surgeon may want to do a screening colonoscopy on you.
2 :
Well you may be at a slightly higher risk then the average person, but yours are still low. I'm sure your doctors will tell you this, but when you get to about 35-40, you should probably start getting colonoscopies. If caught early, colon cancer is almost always curable these days. Its very rare to get it under the age 40 though.
3 :
this could be famlial polyposis coli which is a inherited condition in a autosomal dominant way which means each child of a affected individual has 50 percent chance of having precancerous polyp which may turn into a cancer.consult ur doctor as most polyp do not produce any symptom it may produce rectal bleeding,abdominal pain ,diarhoeaa
4 :
All humans are at some risk of developing colon cancer. There is always a possibility that you may develop colon cancer in the future. The fact that your grandfather had colon cancer and your mother had some polyps removed means that your risk for developing colonic polyps and subsequent colon cancer is higher than average. I believe the current American Cancer Society recommendations for someone in your situation is to have your first colonoscopy at 40 years old, then every 2 to 3 years after that. These recommendations may change by the time you reach 40.

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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Question about colon cancer

Question about colon cancer?
I recently found out through a family member that my dad is going to Phoenix to see some specialist for colonoscopies/colon cancer. He had his colonoscopy and polyps or cysts were found. Does anyone know if Phoenix has any unique cancer treatment centers/diagnostic centers? I'm very confused about everything, but I can't confront him about it because he's not supposed to know that I know.
Cancer - 2 Answers
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Where is he now? If he's in some small rural area, maybe Phx is the closest large city with with a NCIS cancer center? There are only a limited number, some states don't even have one.
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I'm sure it's alarming to find that out, but you don't need to worry, really you don't; cysts & polyps are often precursors to colon cancer, so the fact that they were found means your Dad is at "high risk" for cancer, not that he has it. Armed with that information, the doctors will give Dad all the information he needs to hopefully avoid actually developing colon cancer, or to know how & when to treat it at the earliest stages possible so that it will not become a life-threatening condition. Cancer always sucks, but colon cancer is one of the easiest to fix so long as it it found early, before it can spread anywhere else. Don't fret about it, and have a great holiday!

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Looking for natural treatments for stage 4 colon cancer with a perforated cololn that went to 1 lymph node

Looking for natural treatments for stage 4 colon cancer with a perforated cololn that went to 1 lymph node?

Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
Whatever you do, follow your doctor's advice about the proven treatments of chemotherapy and surgery. If you want to try some natural treatments as well, TELL YOUR DOCTOR. Some of these herbs or natural extracts or whatnot can have dangerous interactions with some of the drugs you might be on. Natural does not automatically mean safe!
2 :
Listen to your doctor! People have no idea some of the problems so called "natural" cure can cause! With stage 4, you need legitimate medical treatments.
3 :
CANCER: There's a new Swedish study which shows that human breast milk kills cancer. On the news this guy who drank human breast milk (with a prescription) beat cancer. It was discovered by Swedish scientists that human breast milk (spilled into a petri dish) kills cancer. People who drink it have had some success in fighting off cancer. You need a prescription and it's about $3 an ounce at a breast milk bank, but it works.

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Is Foul Smelling Stool a symptom of Colon Cancer

Is Foul Smelling Stool a symptom of Colon Cancer?

Cancer - 11 Answers
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no it means you ate something different... everybody's stool smells different.
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Not necessarily, could be something you ate or a combination of things that you ate that is causing the stink. Just remember to spray.
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no. it's a sympton of too much mexican food.
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Doesn't all stool smell foul?
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all crap smells foul. never smelled a great smell coming from the toilet.
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Foul smelling, floating stool can be from undigested fat indicating a malabsorbtion or digestive problem, such as Celiac Disease. Perhaps you are just lactose intolerant?
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no, this could be a sign of anything a sign of color cancer is black tarry (tar like) stool (old blood in the stool)
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The symptom of Colon Cancer are not related to foul smelling stool necessarily. See your doctor and have him/her check you out. Ask your medical provider for the signs/symptoms of colon cancer and discuss way to keep your colon healthy and working right. Good luck, Andy
9 :
Not necessariy. Foul smelling stool may be related to something that you just ate. But bloody stools, yes. You can read about the various colon cancer symptoms here You should of course, check with your doctor to confirm.
10 :
No, just bad diet choices. Dave already said what I was going to say LOL.
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If you have never had stool's that smell like that before then it should be checked out. Probably is nothing but you never know.

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