Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I am 19 years old and I am worried I may have colon cancer, my bowel movements have been thin and small

I am 19 years old and I am worried I may have colon cancer, my bowel movements have been thin and small.?
Recently I've been having bowel movements every morning but the stools are thinner than they used to be, not too much comes out and I haven't been had an "s" shaped bowel movement in awhile. I don't have much stomach pain, just some aches every now and then. I bled once about a few months ago when i had a bowel movement and i was worried then. I'm worried again in regards to colon cancer. I am 19 years old and wondering why my stool is thinner and smaller..does that mean colon cancer??
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Do you eat regular healthy meals? Do you drink water? Have you changed your diet in any way? You have to think about all this, I think it it was cancerous, it would be blood and black due to dried blood. You might want to check a doctor to make sure.
2 :
GO TO A DOCTER! iv been seeing people ignore medical problems and ask people here what to do. if you do have cancer, instead of going to the doctor you asked a bunch of strangers. if somebody here convinces you that you don't and you do, you can die all because you didn't get a checkup.
3 :
A change is always something of concern. Diet and lack of fluids need to be considered. At 19, unless you have a strong family history of bowel cancer, cancer is low on the list of concerns, but it certainly is worth getting to your health care provider for an evaluation. Good luck.
4 :
It is unlikely that you have colon cancer at 19. However, if you have a family history of early onset of the disease, then you should have it checked. I assume since you mentioned "S" shaped bowel movements, you have been researching normal bowel movements. Our bm's change throughout life, periodically. Normally, cancer causes blood in the stool (stool appears black if bleeding comes from stomach/small intestines, dark red or brighter if in large intestine/colon). If you are seeing bright red blood in the toilet water, the problem is likely a fissure/tear or hemorrhoids. If diet is not to blame, and the problem continues, you should see your doctor.
5 :
I would suggest that you make an appointment with you family doctor and let them know what is going on as well as your concerns and they will take it from there. Good luck to you.

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