Saturday, July 24, 2010

If you are diagnosed with colon cancer that is also in your bones

If you are diagnosed with colon cancer that is also in your bones.......?
if you are diagnosed with colon cancer that is also in your bones or spreading to your bones is it possible for it to go away completely and be cured with treatment?
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
Usually once cancer has reached your bones the chances of surviving is very slim. I'm very sorry.
2 :
If you believe that it can be cured, Than it can. Studies have shown that someone who has a very high expectation can survive. Just believe and never give up. If you never give up, than it can't kill you... Trust me, I had a very almost incurable Brain Cancer and they told me that I would be dead in six months. Its been 12 years now and I feel fine. Just don't Give Up.

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