Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What are the signs of colon cancer..ie: profuse rectal bleeding

What are the signs of colon cancer..ie: profuse rectal bleeding?
my friend has profuse rectal bleeding. He uses alcohol to the excess. Could this be colon cancer
Cancer - 6 Answers
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1 :
Regardless of what it is, i would get it checked out if i were your friend. My grandfather died of Colon cancer because he ignored it too long until it was too late. Whatever the reason, rectal reading is usually....(almost always)... Always not good. please urge him to get it checked out.
2 :
He could well have varices,which will also bleed profusely and alcohol exacerbates this condition very much. He needs to have them cortorised to seal the bleed off,abstain from alcohol. I have seen ppl bleed to death from oesophageal varices,rectal ones are just as dangerous due to there being a significant blood supply to the intestines
3 :
Profuse rectal bleeding is a latent sign of colon cancer. Bright red blood at your rectum is more likely from hemmorrhoids. Early signs of colon problems are changes in bowel habits(diarrhea and/or constipation). Pain and nausea or vomiting come next. If your friend has caused an alcoholic hepatitis or pancreatitis this can also irritate the bowel and esophagus enough to cause bleeding. Your friend needs to see a doctor immediately. God forbid it is something serious like colon cancer...caught early enough it is a highly treatable/curable cancer. Good luck..give your friend this advice..waiting is not an option. He may only need counceling on alcohol and nothing more. Good Luck and God Bless.
4 :
It may or many not be cancer. It may be Hemorrhoids also which has a symptom - Painless bleeding during bowel movements — you might notice small amounts of bright red blood on your toilet tissue or in the toilet bowl. so before coming to any conclusion your friend should visit a doctor and have the situation evaluated. However the signs and symptoms of Colon cencer which he should be aware of are given below_ Many people with colon cancer experience no symptoms in the early stages of the disease. When symptoms appear, they'll likely vary, depending on the cancer's size and location in your large intestine. Signs and symptoms of colon cancer include: -A change in your bowel habits, including diarrhea or constipation or a change in the consistency of your stool for more than a couple of weeks -Rectal bleeding or blood in your stool -Persistent abdominal discomfort, such as cramps, gas or pain -Abdominal pain with a bowel movement -A feeling that your bowel doesn't empty completely - -Weakness or fatigue -Unexplained weight loss -Blood in your stool may be a sign of cancer, but it can also indicate other conditions. Bright red blood you notice on bathroom tissue more commonly comes from hemorrhoids or minor tears (fissures) in your anus, for example. In addition, certain foods, such as beets or red licorice, can turn your stools red. Iron supplements and some anti-diarrheal medications may make stools black. Still, it's best to have any sign of blood or change in your stools checked promptly by your doctor because it can be a sign of something more serious. -
5 :
Your friend needs to race to a gastroenderologist if he has profuse rectal bleeding. One possibility is colon cancer but it could also be from some other ailment like hemorrhoids or ulcers of the stomach. The only way to find out what is wrong is to talk to the specialist and get some tests done. I had colon cancer, a large tumor in my transverse colon was found the end of August of this year. I could not see blood in my stool but had an occult (hidden) blood test and it detected blood. I had lost weight suddenly, developed anemia from the blood loss so was very tired too, also had pain ongoing in my abdominal area and eventually even felt the lump of the tumor. I did not experience diarrhea and/or constipation but changes in bowel habits can also be a sign something is wrong. Alcohol in excess could be causing ulcers of his digestive tract and thus bleeding. Sounds like he needs to get the alcohol use under control.
6 :
Please have your friend see a dr. I had colon cancer in October and they removed 12 inches of my large intestines. I had no symptoms or pain. One day I saw blood in my stool (I was on blood thinners for a blood clot) and thought that's what it was. I ended up in the hospital because I was sick from the flu and they did a colonoscopy and found the cancer. Tell your friend to go and get a colonoscopy, they don't hurt, just a pain empyting out the colon. They caught mine before it spread and I was out of the hospital in 2 days. Actually, the surgery was a piece of cake, 4 small holes in my stomach. Please encourge your friend to see a dr

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