Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How would a doctor tell to his patient that he has colon cancer stage 3

How would a doctor tell to his patient that he has colon cancer stage 3?

Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
they know from the colonoscopy that was done
2 :
You might not want to be as blunt as my doctor was--he just came into the recovery area after the colonoscopy and said, "It's cancer. I haven't got the biopsy back, but I've seen it enough to know." As for the stage, they won't really know that for sure until after surgery to remove the tumor unless it's stage 1 or possibly stage 2. Stage 3 means that the cancer has eaten through the colon wall and entered the lymph nodes. They will also find out then if it's 3A (4 or fewer lymph nodes) or 3B (5 or more). Stage 2 and stage 3 both require surgery, so he wouldn't be able to tell the difference between them until after surgery, either. They though at first that mine was stage 2 until they started looking closely at the part of the colon they'd taken out and found that there was a small section that had been invaded, as well as 3-4 lymph nodes. Good Luck.

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