Thursday, January 28, 2010

Britain's mortality rate for breast cancer is 88% higher than US. Colon cancer mortality rate is 40% higher

Britain's mortality rate for breast cancer is 88% higher than US. Colon cancer mortality rate is 40% higher?
Mortality rate for prostate cancer is 604% higher. Is this really what we want?
Government - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Socialized medicine and insurance at it's finest.
2 :
Worry could be a main factor, as we British tend to fret and worry about things rather than do something about them, like join a group to help each other over the hard times, we would rather try and 'keep it to ourselves' and hope it goes away, as we can see the French are differed, if they get upset they change things, it's called 'People Power' and we have lived so long under a Nazi type boot we think it must be right. We are supposed to be under Common Law, As our Queen took a coronation oath to it, yet she has sign our country away to the EU rule, every Policeman breaks his oath every day by issuing unlawful fines, our whole Government are all commit Treason every day by working under a foreign government. So no wonder we are all getting cancer.
3 :
We do not screen people enough plus our diet is getting more and more full of proccessed foods. We should have what we used to call WELL CLINICS that screen healthy people instead of waiting till they get sick.
4 :
unless the obamacare is repealed, it will also happen in america.
5 :
Socialized medicine is partly at fault; I have a congenital chronic condition, and if I were in Britain or Canada, I would likely have died before I was 7, Treatment for cancer is likely the same, done until either the state won't sanction any more, then the patient is pretty much screwed.
6 :
It's not a matter of what we want. It's a matter of what we're going to get under Obama

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