Sunday, January 24, 2010

How often is there a reacurrents of cancer after having stage 3 colon cancer

How often is there a reacurrents of cancer after having stage 3 colon cancer?

Cancer - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Everyone is an individual so there is no real way to answer this question. Reoccurence is possible for any type of cancer at any stage .. in general the higher the grade of tumor and stage of cancer the more likely of relapse. But that is a generalization as some people may never relapse. That is why once remission is achieved that doctors recommend a regularly scheduled CT , PET, or MRI to check for disease reoccurence. There is treatment for reoccuring cancer. PLWC: Dealing with cancer reoccurence.
2 :
Why are you asking this on here? ask your DR. or oncologist

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