Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How do you know when you have colon cancer

How do you know when you have colon cancer.?
the last two days i have found blood in the water after going poop. i dont know if its colon cancer or what i ate. im going to the doctor tomorrow to see what it is. but what are the symptoms of colon cancer
Cancer - 6 Answers
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1 :
Blood in the stools..but don't freak out just yet. If what you're seeing is bright red blood, it is more likely from an internal hemorrhoid than cancer. Or even a hard stool causing a small tear
2 :
yeah go to the doctor because that's very serious, it's very hard to realize if you may have it. good luck!!!!
3 :
there are many diagnosti tests that can determine if you have colon ca, = barium enema, colonoscopy,(a camera up your ass) CAT scan, lab tests on body fluids, you may also have a GI bleed which is serious but treatable, or possibly hemmorhiods
4 :
Listen to me...Please do not think that just because you have blood in your stool that you automatically have colon cancer. If it is bright red blood, there is probably nothing life threatening to worry about. You will go to the doctor tomorrow and he/she will send you to either a gastroenterologist or a general surgeon and you will need a colonoscopy. This procedure is so simple and could save your life. I have had several scopes done and it is no big deal. Please do not worry about the procedure or the blood in the toilet. It could be from eating popcorn or it could be a polyp that could be removed. You could have colitis or Crohn's disease, but do not worry about what it could be. Find out what it is. Good luck!!!
5 :
You may not be having Colon Cancer and do not get afraid. Please see your general Physician immediately and if necessary he will refer to an oncologist for further evaluation and treatment. Cancer of the colon is the disease characterized by the development of malignant cells in the lining or epithelium of the first and longest portion of the large intestine. Malignant cells have lost normal control mechanisms governing growth. These cells may invade surrounding local tissue, or they may spread throughout the body and invade other organ systems. Synonyms for the colon include the large bowel or the large intestine. The rectum is the continuation of the large intestine into the pelvis that terminates in the anus. Colon cancer causes symptoms related to its local presence in the large bowel or by its effect on other organs if it has spread. These symptoms may occur alone or in combination: - a change in bowel habit - blood in the stool - bloating, persistent abdominal distention - constipation - a feeling of fullness even after having a bowel movement - narrowing of the stool—so-called ribbon stools - persistent, chronic fatigue - abdominal discomfort - unexplained weight loss - very rarely, nausea and vomiting Most of these symptoms are caused by the physical presence of the tumor mass in the colon. Similar symptoms can be caused by other processes; these are not absolutely specific to colon cancer. The key is recognizing that the persistence of these types of symptoms without ready explanation should prompt the individual to seek medical evaluation. Many of the symptoms are understood by remembering that the colon is a tubular conduit. If a tumor develops, as it reaches a certain size it will begin to cause symptoms related to the obstruction of that conduit. In addition, the tumor commonly oozes blood that is lost in the stool. (Often, this blood is not visible.) This phenomenon results in anemia and chronic fatigue. Weight loss is a late symptom, often implying substantial obstruction or the presence of systemic disease. If you have any doubt do not neglect and byseeing your doctor please ensure that you are free from the disease - AS CANCER IS STILL AN ENIGMA.-
6 :
Colorectal cancer is the out-of-control growth of cells in the colon or rectum. These cells grow into masses, or tumors. Most colorectal cancers begin as polyps, which are growths attached to the inside of the colon or rectum. Symptoms of colorectal cancer usually occur later, when the cancer is are harder to treat. Common symptoms include: •Pain in the abdomen. •Blood in your stool or black, tarry stools. •A change in your bowel habits (such as very narrow stools or frequent diarrhea or constipation). •Unexplained weight loss. •Constant fatigue.

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