Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dad died of Colon cancer, curious what it was like

Dad died of Colon cancer, curious what it was like.?
My dad died of Colon cancer when I was 6 years old (I think he was probably around 45 years old but I'm not really sure.) I don't really remember anything from that time because I was so young. I'm just curious what the symptoms of Colon cancer are and what chances of survival people have. Sorry I wasn't able to give that much information...I don't really know that much. It would mean a lot to me if anyone was able to give me any information on it.
Cancer - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You don't want to know, but it eats your blood cells causing extreme pain
2 :
Hello Katie: I am sorry your dad died before you got to know him. You both missed out on a lot of wonderful times. I survived my colon cancer. There were times where my lower abdomen hurt. And there were times I passed blood in my stool. Mine was caught early enough that I was sure I would make it ok. I was with my step grandmother when she died of it. I remember her last minutes I told her I loved her she nodded than she took a deep breath and let it out and died with a smile on her face. I know she knew what I said and I know she loved me too. I was a nurse at the time so I took care of her till she passed away. She was in pain a lot so I gave her the medication that the doctors said to give her. She got to where I had to puree her food to feed her. And every thing was liquid. I would take a little taste while making it to be sure it was tasty not yucky. She got a lot of Love. A lot of good care. This is what I think every one should have at there last days. The people who love them taking care of them. My daughter was 4 years old and she remembered the love of grandma mame. This is the good memory's that children should have when there grandparents die. Again I am sorry for your loss and I hope you never get colon cancer. or any other types.

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