Thursday, December 24, 2009

I have emphysema and just found out I have colon cance

I have emphysema and just found out I have colon cancer.?
does anyone have any sugessions about my survival rate?
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It all depends on the severity of your cancer and of your emphysema. Ask your doctors because any sort of general answer you get here will not be based on your individual case. You could become unduly encouraged or depressed without any realistic reason for those feelings. I wish you the best but you really need to talk to your doctors. Good luck!! : /
2 :
I dont know how aggressive the cancer is. All i can say is that u will die eventually. Im really sorry for u deepest sympathies.
3 :
Before you start any standard medical treatment - please see the BBC News Report - link shown below and also the Rick Simpson Cancer "Run from the Cure" site. It is about Hemp oil (not Hemp Seed oil) curing cancer within about a 3 month period - he is not selling anything - he is informing the public about a natural cure that the big pharmacuticals companies do not want you to know about. As they cannot buy a patent for a plant to make money on it. It is on "youtube" under "Run from the Cure" also or go straight to the "Phoenix Tears" website. This is not a quack cure - scientists have proof this plant cures all sorts of cancers/diseases - trouble is - we are not allowed it - we have to make it ourselves. It has been on BBC News see the link below.
4 :
Movin to LA - we're all going to die eventually, that was a mean thing to say, maybe it just didn't come out right??
5 :
The stage is the most important survival factor. And the sooner you have it removed the lower the stage. If the cancer is confined to the wall and hasn't spread anywhere (stage 1) the survival is more than 90%. If it has grown through the bowel wall but not spread to the lymph nodes the survival is almost 80%. The stage is determined by the pathologist through his examination of the removed cancer bearing colon segment. The best thing for you to do at this point is to have the cancer removed through surgery. Do not listen to the conspiracy theories presented by garlic girl. Although she denies it she is advocating quackery. If you experiment with that sort of treatment you risk that your cancer progress to a higher stage than it already is and consequently lowering your chance of survival. Here is a site with the stage dependent survival of colon cancer:

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