Thursday, January 20, 2011

What is the life expectancy of someone with stage 4 colon cancer that has gone to the liver and lung

What is the life expectancy of someone with stage 4 colon cancer that has gone to the liver and lung?

Cancer - 6 Answers
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1 :
I would say probably less than a year.
2 :
Patients with stage IV cancer hve a uniformly poor prognosis, living on average less than one year after diagnosis.
3 :
Stage IV cancer is no longer the death sentence that it once was. There is treatment but there are no guarantees. The truth is that no one knows, not even the doctors, the life expectancy of these patients. Much will depend on the patients overalll health, age, and response to treatment. The goal will be to gain control of the disease and hopefully place the patient into remission. If that is not possible, than it may be possible to find a treatment to keep the cancer under control and live with the cancer (much the way a diabetic lives with diabetes by taking insulin). The patient needs to find out as much as possible about the disease. Find out the treatment options. Go to a designated comprehensive cancer center for the best possible treatment. Cancer that has gone to the liver and lung can be treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, radiofrequency ablation, chemoperfusion . . there is treatment but the patient has to be willing to fight for it. NCCN: Clinical Guidelines for Colon Cancer NCI: Colon and Rectal Cancer Peritoneal chemperfusion Radiofrequency Ablation People Living with cancer Depending on the patient than . . life expectancy may be far better than you expect.
4 :
My Mum was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer in May this year, when it was discovered it had already spread to liver and lung. She past away sept 7. It was extremely aggressive, and she was VERY ill constantly. There was minimal treatment given as it was 'too late' to do anything. I guess it depends on how the patient is and whether it is aggressive but i would say 6 months to a year max. I wish you all the best. It is a very cruel disease.
5 :
Honestly, it is probably 12-24 months depending upon how agressive the cancer is and how large the mets are.
6 :
It depends upon the person and how well your body can tolerate the meds. It is not necessarily a death sentence. There are many treatment options available. It is very important to get a good oncologist who is willing to fully fight this with every bit of technology and meds out there.

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