Saturday, December 4, 2010

How frequent does colon or rectum cancer occurs to men less than 25 years of age

How frequent does colon or rectum cancer occurs to men less than 25 years of age?

Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
That's pretty rare actually. Even if you have a family history of cancer (like I do) you still don't have to worry until you're about 35, or if you're really paranoid then 30.
2 :
The biggest single risk factor for colon cancer is age; the risk increases as you get older. More than 80% of people diagnosed with colon cancer are over 60. I would assume the answer to your question is almost never
3 :
The incidence of colon cancer is quite high in this country. About 2% occur in men under 25 and they are usually in the rectum or anus and are due to HPV. This number appears to be rising, but it is still uncommon.
4 :
Almost never. If you are bleeding that is almost certainly from hemmorhoids - stop whiping so hard and put white zinc baby diaper creme on a couple times a week, zaps them totally! And if you are constipated see a good HMO chiropractor to get your lumbar spine adjusted so you have normal parystalsis again.
5 :
I had colon cancer at 46yrs old and had no symptoms. They said I probably had it for 5-7 years based on the size. The thing with cancer is it does not discriminate anyone or any age. Check out the National Institute of Cancer for more information. I was very lucky and they were able to remove all of it, along with 12 inches of my colon. Hope this website helps.

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