Friday, September 4, 2009

What is the survival rate of colon cancer

What is the survival rate of colon cancer?

Cancer - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
depends on when it,s detected. early on, it,s very high.
2 :
It depends on the stage. In stage I (the tumor in still contained in the colon), the survival rate is about 90%. In stage II (the tumor has invaded the colon wall), it's about 80%. In stage III (the tumor has spread to the lymph nodes), it hits about 64%, but it's better if only 1-4 nodes are invaded, so probably about 70% for that.
3 :
As with all cancers, it depends on-- --the stage it was diagnosed in -- Your age -- Other medical history or problems. But in general, its one of the cancers with a high survival rate these days. I think they have made more improvments in colan cancer recovery then just about any other form of cancer. Probably 80-90% for the average person.
4 :
Survival rates vary for adenocarcinoma of the colon, but these statistics will give you a general idea of the survival rate for Singapore residents who have adenocarcinoma of the colon. The five-year survival rate represents the percentage of patients alive five years after their initial diagnosis with adenocarcinoma of the colon.
5 :
These are the best stats available at the moment Local - confined to just the one site = 89.7% Regional - the cancer is spreading into surrounding tissue = 68.4% Distant - has spread to a distant part of the body e.g. brain = 10.8% However colonic cancer is one of the less agressive and slower growing types of cancer, which is why at 64.4% the OVERALL survival rate is very similar to the regional survival rate
6 :
not long so go see a doctor ok an have a good day
7 :
It depends on the stage. At stage 1 the 5-year survival rate is 95%, at stage 4 it is 5%.

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