Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What is the difference between colon and anal cancer

What is the difference between colon and anal cancer?
I guess I will know more after the special of Farraha's special on TV tomorrow night. Are you going to watch it? Do you know what time it comes on, what channel? Thanks!
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
colon, rectum, anus, I do plan to watch Farrah's show, she is so ill now. such a beautiful,innocent person. so sad, she tried , sadly, it's just a matter of time.. don't know channel or time, sorry.
2 :
Colon cancer can be in any one of the four areas of the colon. Anal cancer usually restricts itself to the anus or rectum. Also remember that the 'colon' is a synonym for large intestine.
3 :
The anus is the last 4-5cm of the colon. The biggest difference is they tend to be more unstable and have a poorer prognosis than the rest of the colon. Farraha's documentary is on NBC, I think at 9:00 and I’m going to watch it. The situation is very sad and I feel bad she was forced to deal with this in a way she did not want just because she is famous. Even though the paparazzi hounded her daily she always seem to handle it with dignity and class. I don’t know how she did it. I hope they are giving her some peace now.

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