Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My wife has stage 4 colon cancer dx 1 year ago .how long does she have

My wife has stage 4 colon cancer dx 1 year ago .how long does she have ?
had major surgery in sept.08 removed right side of liver ,resected colon . cancer back in liver now, still on chemo .doctor says she will be on it till she can't take it anymore can they take part of her liver again?she is again having more pain. in liver
Cancer - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Sorry to hear that. No one on YA can give you an answer. You need to go back and discuss it with your oncologist, or with your family doctor. Survival times are very hard to predict and vary person to person. Don't scare yourselves by listening to stuff on here. For general advice, try pages of large cancer charities, e.g Cancer Backup UK.
2 :
Hard to say, you really should ask her doctor or oncologist. If the chemo doesn't kill her first,she won't have long after she stops chemo. maybe a few months. Everyone reacts differently to cancer, and it depends on the type. You won't be able to really get the answer here. I am not an expert, and really have no idea, I did have some relatives with cancer, and they lasted as long as they could take chemo. Then it was only a few months after chemo stopped.
3 :
Call the Novartis drug company see about taking Gleevec and their new miracle drugs. They have a new drug for kidney cancer that may work on other cancers.
4 :
Sorry to hear that but can you not ask your doctor about another operation? if you google it it says up to 5 years but everyoine is different depending on age and health but as it has spread from the colon to the liver it isnt good as that would mean it is getting to the lymph nodes but then that is only my opinion - my dad had bowel cancer aged 73 and when it started in his liver he didnt last long, 6 weeks from diagnoses till he died.
5 :
You need to discuss her condition with your MD. Liver cancer is not a type of cancer where you can just keep taking out more of your liver to cure it since you can't live without your liver & the liver does not really all grow back. The liver can heal to a certain degree, but will not ALL grow back.She has also had the resection to deal with.If she is not having her pain controlled, that would be my primary concern if she was my mother.If she is tolerating the chemo (no vomiting or nausea & still eating), it is OK to continue with it. If the chemo is making her sick (again if she was my mom) I'd probably want to stop the chemo & make her comfortable, for being sick all the time & weak from the chemo is not the best quality of life for her. Use your judgment for you know your wife. As long as she is receiving chemo, Hospice can not come in to help you deal with making her comfortable.Ask your doctor if the chemo is really helping her & look into his eyes when you ask for with many people the eyes will not lie. If the chemo is not helping her, please stop it. There comes a time when treatment hurts more than helps. If she needs morphine please see she gets it, for she really needs to have pain management to be her priority now. God bless.
6 :
Of course everyone is different and it isn’t possible to predict how long anyone will live, but we do know the 5 year survival rate for stage 4 colon cancer is 5% As far as doing surgery on liver again – that is something you really should talk to her doctor about. However, surgery to remove liver mets is usually done if the patient has 1 maybe 2 lesions. You may want to get another opinion or try a clinical trial.
7 :
Oh, i am so sorry to hear about your wife. I know you must feel a deep sadness in your heart. i know I did when I found out my mother had colon ca. My mother was not able to have surgery or chemo. The cancer had mets to her liver and uterus and they decided not to operate. She did have radiation though. Your wife, to say how long she has is hard to say. I know from experience my mom lived 8mos from diagnosis. Towards her last 3 months or so she gradually stop eating and was given a TPN. She was really weak the last month or so. Then eventually her kidneys shut down. Hopefully you can pretty much gadge how long approx by my experience. Sorry.

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