Monday, September 8, 2008

Hi I need help on how to make a power point slide show on colon colon cancer, can someone help me out please

Hi I need help on how to make a power point slide show on colon colon cancer, can someone help me out please?
I would really appreciate it. Any ideas are welcome.
Programming & Design - 1 Answers
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Um, well, that's kind of like saying "could someone show me how to build a house?" Well I can give you some basics. First off, do you have PowerPoint? Secondly, do you know anything about Colon Cancer? Assuming you know something about colon cancer, collect your data and any pictures you may have that you want to show. Make an outline of your presentation. (What goes first, second, last, etc.) Basic structure is: * Title Slide * What the presentation will cover (Like a table of contents) * All the info you want to give (the guts of the show) * Summary slide Now alot depends on how this is being used. Is it a stand-alone that people watch on a screen by themselves or is it being presented by a speaker infront of a large crowd or is it to be distributed as an electronic file? Always put yourself in the viewer's shoes when making decisions on what to put on the screen. "Does what I'm making help or confuse the viewer? Is it making the point clear and understandable? Am I giving them too much info or not enough? Am I getting carried away with metaphors or clip art or crazy colors?" Basic tips: MOST IMPORTANT - 90% OF PPT USERS DON'T DO THIS AND THEY ARE FOOLS FOR IGNORING IT: Find the master slide and use it! The time you take to figure it out will be well worth it in the end when you decide to change font, background color or need a logo on every page. Keep the text big. No paragraphs of text or full sentences if you can avoid them! The presentation should not consist of the speaker reading off the slides. Bullet slides should be kept to 6-8 bullets with 6-8 words per line. You can do more if this is a self propelled presentation the user views on his own. If you are going to mess with slide transitions, pick one and stick with it. AVOID "RANDOM TRANSITIONS" AT ALL COSTS. USING "RANDOM TRANSITIONS" WILL MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT. Don't copy and paste some big tab chart from Excel into your PPT presentation. Just because you can do it doesn't mean you should. If you need to put in a tab chart try to focus on the important info so you can get the text as big as possible. The people in the back row need to see it too! Before you stick in photos from your 8 megapixel camera or your 1200 dpi scanner, resize your photos to about 100 dpi and no larger than 1024x768. That way your file size will stay manageable and your computer won't slow down to a crawl trying to display all your crap. (Little colon joke there.) Now I could go on for days, PPT is a pretty big program - bigger than most realize. You can do alot with it. Just take it page by page and USE THE TEMPLATES and MASTER PAGES. They will save you time and agony. Good luck!

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