Saturday, August 16, 2008

How is Colon Cancer Detected? And What Are The Most Common Symptoms Of Colon Cancer

How is Colon Cancer Detected? And What Are The Most Common Symptoms Of Colon Cancer?

Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There are no symptoms, which is why it's important to have a colonoscopy. This is a fairly simple procedure in which your colon is examined for polyps, or small growths. Anything suspicious will be snipped and biopsied. I'm a survivor - I had surgery, no radiation or chemo, because it was caught JUST in time. If in doubt, get it done!
2 :
There are no symptoms when the cancer first forms. As the cancer starts to get bigger symptoms can be-: Blood in the stool - it could be red blood, dark blood or even a pink tinge on the loo paper A change in bowel movements - it could be soft stools, diarrhoea, constipation, pencil thin poohs. If you show any of these symptoms, your GP will recomend that you have a colonoscopy to inspect your colon. It's not a painful procedure, though it is uncomfortable, you are usually sedated for it. If the cancer is detected early enough you can be cured by surgery alone. I cannot stress strongly enough that you MUST see your doctor is you have any of these symptoms. It will save your life if you catch it early enough. It's not an "Old Persons" cancer either. Anyone of any age can get this disease. Mine was caught at an early stage. Surgery alone was the cure. I didn't have to have either Chemo or Radiation treatment.
3 :
my mum had colon cancer.. she had a tumour the size of an apple and yet becuase no symptoms she didnt know.. she was playing tennis comp up till the day she found out and was operated on. she had sever pain about an hour before and then was operated on...after op and chemo she beat it.. she has new cancers now but she is an amazing women and will beat them to

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