Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My cousin was diagnosis with colon cancer stage 3 of 4. Is this deadly? It has spread to Lymph notes

My cousin was diagnosis with colon cancer stage 3 of 4. Is this deadly? It has spread to Lymph notes?
they are going to start chemo and radiation at the same time. She says shes in pain. That the cancer is hurting her.
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
There has been major break throughs in colon cancer treatments, but I am sorry to say that in your cousin's case it was diagnosed too late. survival could be prolonged up to 36 months (this is the median for colon cancer). and he could lead practically a normal life during this period, but I am afraid this is the extent of it
2 :
It can be deadly and yes the lymph nodes would be involved. However, most of your statement does not make sense. There is no stage 3 colon cancer, there is a 3A, 3B and 3C. Lymph nodes are involved in all of them and the 5-year survival rate ranges from 80-50%. It is very unusual for chemo and radiation to be done at the same time and the tumor should have been removed so the cancer should not be causing her pain.

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