Monday, June 16, 2008

My bf's mom has had colon cancer for a few years now. What kinds of foods/teas/vitamins should she eat more of

My bf's mom has had colon cancer for a few years now. What kinds of foods/teas/vitamins should she eat more of
I just want a little something that might help make her healthier. She also has heart disease and was borderline diabetic, so all healthy foods/fats please! Thanks guys.
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
See site below under cancer. Fruits and vegetables prevent cancer. It has the link to the study done that shows that meat causes colon cancer. All plant foods have fiber, even watermelon. Meat has no fiber.
2 :
I drink Soy shakes, and fresh fruits and veggies. I had another type of Cancer, but I have read Cancer nooks and they said Green tea, Red Grapes, Vit C , Soy, and so fourth works well, also staying away from preservatives, and sugar. I have heard Juicers work pretty good. I still have the effects of Radiation though. I do try and eat a healthy diet. You can try a Nutrionist in the Oncology Dept, or a book that deals with Colon Cancer, or contact the Cancer Research Institute. It's hard I know.
3 :
Risk factors potentially include reduced vegetables, fiber, & starch, and increased consumption of red meat and animal fat. Notice that red meat doesn't *cause* colon cancer, increased consumption is associated with increased risk of colon cancer. You can drive yourself crazy with all of the information out there, most of it bad (particularly when you poke around some of these health food sites. Most of these are "Reader beware."). If you are one to just trust anyone and anything, have at it,. However little to none of it is supported by any science. Hey, I believe in God, so I don't need a scientific study for everything; by the same token everything except God follows the laws of the universe, so if something works, then a properly done study should be able to demonstrate that. And unfortunately, there just are too few good studies regarding diet and cancer. Your best bet would be to count on the "moderation diet" in regards to those things that we all know are not good in excess, like fats, sweets, red meat, alcohol; eat more fruits and vegetables; exercise regularly; don't smoke; avoid excess sun exposure. These are things we know help

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