Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Could i have colon cancer or am i just paranoid

Could i have colon cancer or am i just paranoid?
okay since i was five ive been having a bowel movement once every 3 day's but now my stomach has been hurting but it's usually just gas but the last 3 time's i've had a bowel movement there's been a little bit of blood on the toliet paper. and i have anxitey so i get really scared when i see ab-normal thing's. but moving on i think there could be blood from pushing to hard? because i tend not to eat fruit or vegtables and i'm little over weight. but pleasee someone help.
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Chill out!! It sounds like you are pushing too hard. Be careful, you can get hemorrhoids if you keep pushing so hard. I have the same problem, just learn to live with it!
2 :
Instead of guessing and wondering and worrying, it is probably time to go see your doctor and talk about your symptoms. Any time you see blood in your stool or on the toilet paper after you wipe, you should probably get it checked out. Bleeding is not normal. It may be just from pushing too hard, but constipation is not normal either. I was diagnosed with anal cancer recently and my only symptom was blood in the stool. I'm not trying to scare you, just letting you know that it's a good idea to consult your doctor.
3 :
what color is the blood? is it bright red or is it dark almost black? if it's bright red, you're experiencing the beginnings of hemorrhoids. stop straining so mucn. dark blood is an indicator of internal bleeding. that would need to be checked out by your physician. even if the blood is bright red, i'd be a little concerned only because you say you eat lots of fruit. you should be a more regular than every three days, though admittedly there's no hard and fast rule as to what is regular. do you drink an adequate amount of water? try increasing your fiber intake. use a stool softener. my concern is you may have some sort of blockage. again see your physician.
4 :
You’re just paranoid. A little bit of blood does not make a colon cancer symptom and very unlikely if you are under 40 years old and is sounds like you are. Make changes in your diet.
5 :
Most likely you have an internal hemorrhoid. A hemorrhoid is just a varicose vein of the anus. Now if you have to push hard to have a bowel movement you are probably a bit constipated. And if your stool is formed in pellets looking but stuck together, that's constipation too. It should come out easily and it should sort of be in the shape of a "S" or a "C" and it should be like play dough coming out of one of the play dough toys that push play dough through a thinggee... not lumpy pellets. Trust me, you really don't want to some day have to have hemorrhoid surgery. So you need to up your fiber. If you can't then either drink something like Benefiber or take fiber tablets. (fiber tablets are not all created equal.)

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