Thursday, April 24, 2008

What are some symptoms of colon cancer

What are some symptoms of colon cancer?
Becuase i have been having pain on the right side of my body, and alot of gas and consipation for awhile now.
Cancer - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
In the early stages there usually aren't any symptoms. When they do occur, the most common symptoms are pain in the belly, especially gas pains, cramps, or a feeling of fullness, blood in your stool or very dark stools, and a change in your bowel habits. Other less common symptoms include fatigue and unexplained weight loss. You can read more here I would advise that you see your doctor to determine exactly what is going on.
2 :
yeah..thats cancer, sorry.
3 :
you can get the answers here:
4 :
On your right side? That's not where your colon is. It's on the left. Your gallbladder is on the right. So, why don't you see a doctor?
5 :
Please get a checkup
6 :
You should really go to the doctor to get colon tests done to make sure you don't. Even if you don't the tests can show polyps in your colon (which is a precursor to colon cancer) and if they are caught by the test then they can be removed therefore actually preventing cancer.
7 :
See a Gastroenterologist (GI specialist) ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!! You may not have colon cancer but another problem. Have a colonoscopy. The prep for the test is worse then the test itself. I have had this test done many times and it's not a big deal. If you can't get into seeing a GI specialist go to the ER. (you can always make your symtoms sound like an emergency) and you never know-they just might be. Good Luck!!!(Tsull73 is a nut job-don't listen to him but do see a DR.)
8 :
Symptoms of colon cancer are abdominal pain, blood in your stools, change of colour in stools. Those were the symptoms that my mum suffered before being diagnosed with colon cancer. She was sent for a colonoscopy and thats when doctors confirmed she had a tumor in her colon. If you think that something is not right go to the doctors.
9 :
It could be your liver causing these problems.I recently lost my brother to liver failure from taking so many meds for post polio. 2 weeks before he died he called me and asked what it felt like when I had colon cancer and I told him the colon is on the left side. Liver on the right. It was too late for him.But it could also be gallbladder.
10 :
Your colon is on your left AND your right side. The ascending colon is on the right side then the traverse colon goes across the right to the left and the descending colon is on the left side. If you are constipated enough you can have pain on your right side as you may be that far backed up. I had a problem with constipation for 15+ years but my doctor did not think it was an issue. I finally had a colonoscopy in Jan 2005 (at the age of 40) and it was discovered I have stage IV colon cancer. In 2001 I had asked for a colonoscopy, but my Dr did not think I needed one, and requested a barium enema instead. It totally missed my tumour. It is important that you get checked, and I would only recommend a colonoscopy as it has the highest detection rate. The medical community feels that screening should begin at the age of 50, but I know many people with cc (stage IV -advanced) in their 20s, 30s and 40's. I don't know your age but if you are under the age of 50 and do not have any family history of cc, I would play up your symptoms so that you will get tested and not dismissed. Wendy
11 :
You need to go and see a Gastroenterologist. There are many things that can cause the symptoms you are describing besides colon cancer. Inflammatory bowel disease, gall bladder, plain constipation from lack of fiber etc. Go to a doctor ASAP to put your mind at ease.

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