Monday, March 24, 2008

If my dad had colon cancer what are my chancesIf my dad had colon cancer what are my chances

If my dad had colon cancer what are my chances?
There is literally no other cancer in both of my family's, he was diagnosed in his early thirties and claimed his cancer was from "work environment" He also did not mention FAP or anything like that, I'm 19 should I be scared?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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2 :
You have an increased chance of developing the same as your father but at least you have been given a warning so just be aware of it and get it checked regularly. As far as cancers are concerned, colon cancer is one of the most treatable and has the lowest mortality rates so don't get too depressed over it. Just be aware and alert to the signs.
3 :
Hmmm, quite high I should say but don't worry there is chances that you won't. Plus in your lifetime they will possibly develope a cure! No worries :)
4 :
Most cancers are not passed down from parent to child. However there are some cancers that do have a genetic component. Here is some straightforward information on Hereditary cancer: I hope you find this information helpful.

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