Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Can I get rid of colon cancer

Can I get rid of colon cancer?
What colon cleanse product should I opt to get rid of colon cancer?
Cancer - 6 Answers
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1 :
Colon cleanser is an ailment, which arises due to accumulation of toxins and parasites in lower part of colon. It blocks the working of digestion process in the body and leads to improper release of energy in the body, which is the main function of colon. Colon cancer is a supposed to be deadly disease, as many people have died in United States in last 2-3 months due to colon cancer. Root cause of colon cancer is ineffective digestive system. The best way to cure colon cancer or eliminating the chance of colon cancer is to cleanse your colon on daily basis as pollutants, in the form of toxins, enter the body on regular basis and get accumulated in the path of digestive system, making it ineffective. The main purpose of colon cleansing is to remove the toxins in a conservative manner, which is accumulated in the lower part of colon. Cleansing should be done in a proper manner otherwise it will lead to certain sideffects, which can make the situation bad to worst. What I can recommend is to opt for acai berry colon cleanser which is a natural product and do not have any kind of side effect.
2 :
There is no colon cleanse product that you can buy to treat colon cancer. You need medical treatment. In some cases the cancer can just be cut out and you don't need further treatment (that was my friend's experience). It is foolish to try to cure this deadly disease yourself!
3 :
yes you can have part of your colon removed safely and eating the best diet ever we are what we eat think natural.eat foods that the body could digest easy.
4 :
That first answer up there is a ridiculous (and very dangerous) bunch of garbage. You are not going to cure colon cancer by cleansing your colon. You will need to have the tumor excised. Colon cancer (vs other internal cancers) actually has a very good cure rate. Exactly what that cure rate is depends, of course, on the exact kind of tumor, its location, and its stage at diagnosis. Even when they are metastatic to the liver, colon cancers can often be cured with surgery and chemo.
5 :
I totally agree with "Static" There isn't any cleanser in the world that will cure colon cancer...AND making yourself have a bowel movement because of the cleaners is NOT a good idea either. It goes against the natural working mechanisms of the colon. If a person takes a laxative each and every day, before too long, the colon will be so confused, it won't know what to do properly. You could also make the situation worse by doing this. If the cancer can be arrested by chemo therapy and/or surgery, that's the best route to go. Listen to your Dr., not the Dr.s here who have an 'internet license'.
6 :
I had stage 1 colon cancer and had no symptoms at all. They took out 12 inches of my colon and sent it to pathology where I was lucky that it had not spread to the lymph nodes, and a ct scan revealed it didn't spread to other organs either. If there was a colon cleanser for cancer, that person who comes up with it would be extremely rich. Myself, I had had that sucker removed....,..

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