Friday, April 1, 2011

How can a person survive 5 heart attacks, a 5 graft CABG,and colon cancer

How can a person survive 5 heart attacks, a 5 graft CABG,and colon cancer?

Heart Diseases - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
a miracle
2 :
solid will to live
3 :
Gotta be tough to survive getting old. It's not for sissies! Lots of Friends and Prayer help! God Bless!
4 :
miracle happens=)
5 :
The heart develops collateral circulation as you get older which is why a 70 year old survives a heart attack better than a 42 year old. a CABG is a procedure designed to improbe coronary circlation and improve survivability. Colon Cancer can kill relativly quickly or be surgical removed without a trace.....everyones best chance for survival is frequent exams.

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