Sunday, April 24, 2011

Can u get colon cancer if u hold your faeces for too long

Can u get colon cancer if u hold your faeces for too long?
Like if u wanna take a crap but u wait for five days every time u want to? Would this affect ur colon over a period of time?
Other - Diseases - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
no, just constipation. Better get a vacuum cleaner to suck it up
2 :
i have no idea but i wouldn't try it if u gotta go let it go
3 :
why the hell would you want to hold your feces 5 days? you deserve to get sick and affect your colon if wait this long. do you do this? ewwww?
4 :
No way you could hold it for 5 days. Know what happens? You'll start throwing up. It will look like coffee grounds, but in fact it will be your own feces coming out the other way. Cancer is caused by abnormal cell growth. You can certainly cause damage to your colon and polyps (which can become cancerous) by not "evacuating" regularly and eating enough fiber. Besides all those toxins in your body? Ruins everything you have.
5 :
No one "holds it" for five days. That's called constipation. Chronic constipation can give you more immediate problems than colon cancer.
6 :
Yes it would. I heard on the radio some woman who didn't crap for 2 weeks. The doctor said it can be really bad for your colon and gave the woman a 2 week chinese herbal cleanse. Anything bad for your colon over a long period of time will probably increase your chances of developing cancer in the colon. I"m not a doctor, but it's really important to have at least 2 bowel movements a day to keep things moving. I did an herbal cleanse and boy did it make me feel better. All I had to do was take two herbal tablets a day and after a few days it started to clean me out. I also lost about 4 pounds of gunk.
7 :
well technically you can't however this is very bad for your body and ur inner body structures. If you have to wait for 5 days you should just do your business somewhere even if you dont find a toilet
8 :
Give me a break! This question isn't serious, is it? If I hold my pee for five days, will I get cancer in my bladder? If I don't swallow for five days will I get throat cancer? Just go take a dump!
9 :
Lack of fiber in the diet is indeed related to colon cancer. I don't know anyone who purposefully avoids bowel movements though, why would anybody do that???? Anyway, it is important to eat a lot of fiber (fresh fruit and veg) and also drink plenty of water. That, plus regular physical exercise should keep bowels healthy. If there is a serious problem with constipation or a mental illness going on, this should be checked out by the doctor. However, don't try any wacky "cleansing purges" that they are always trying to sell. These are untested and unregulated by the FDA and are not necessary. Frequent constip may also be a sign of IBS or irritable bowel syndrome. It is also associated with a history of sexual abuse. Yes, Im a doc

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