Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My friends dad has colon cancer?? What do I say to her

 My friends dad has colon cancer?? What do I say to her?
She just told me on the phone a sec ago and I feel really bad bc i dont know how to deal with things so I was just like "Aw well I hope hes okay" so now I feel like the biggest jackass but.. does anyone know is colon cancer really bad?? and what can I say to her bc now I feel terrible? hes having a surgery tomorrow she said...but what am i supposed to say? "hes in my prayers"?
Friends - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
be as nice as u can. if u see her and if she's crying, just hug her
2 :
tell her if she wants you to come to the hospital with her if she or her family needs anything you'll be there. just let her know that you're there for her and reassure her that no matter what happens it'll be ok. i'm sorry, good luck!
3 :
don't say anything just be a friend and listen and tell her you'll be there for her no matter what she wants to talk about
4 :
listen dont say anything because truth is you dont understand what there going through the best thing you can do for her is be there listen when she needs someone and trust me she will need you but dont you ever ever dont compare it to something bad thats happen to you.
5 :
Just say your sorry. Maybe go to see him after the surgery or buy the family a sympathy card?

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