Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What web site can i go on to find the early detection for colon cancer

What web site can i go on to find the early detection for colon cancer?

Alternative Medicine - 3 Answers
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1 :
go to and search it..
2 :
I would just try webmd, that's a good place to start. If you're concerned, one easy test that you should take is the OBT (occult blood test). This is a test where your feces is inspected to find trace amounts of blood that might indicate a lesion of the bowels. I get this test each year with my phsyical, it is one great test for early detection I tell you. I am a nurse and know of one man who got the test from his doctor but never did it until it was too late, he had to have surgery and stuff to remove the cancer later on down the road, I'm not sure if he had a full recovery but better to find something sooner than later. God bless
3 :
Listen to this call about cancer 641-715-3413 box 138561#. It is 52 minutes, however, it will answer your question. Let me know what you think.

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