Saturday, May 16, 2009

What is colon cancer and What does a person look like

What is colon cancer and What does a person look like?

Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You DON'T want to know. Maintain a high-fiber diet and never worry about this nasty, preventable ailment. The key to prevention is having clean pipes.
2 :
Colon Cancer is cancer of the Colon and can spread to your intestines and kills you. A person with colon cancer usually has bumps on their stomach and the rest of your skin. If you have colon cancer consult a doctor,and get some test done.
3 :
Someone has already told you what colon cancer is. I can tell you what my friend looks like with colon cancer. She is very very skinny and has trouble putting on any weight at all. She looks good in her face and she smiles alot and the only way you can tell anything is wrong is how thin she is.
4 :
The colon is the intestines. The large intestine. It is not preventable and it does not cause bumps on the skin. It starts in the colon for it to spread it has to break through the colon wall. It does not cause a person’s appearance to change, except that they may have a distended abdomen

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