Friday, May 8, 2009

Did you know that only 25 states in the U.S. mandate insurance companies to pay for colon cancer screening

Did you know that only 25 states in the U.S. mandate insurance companies to pay for colon cancer screening?
Go to this link to see your state's grade on colon cancer legislation.
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I guess I know now...thanks for the info.
2 :
No, I didn't know this. This concerns me because I have an aunt who died from colon cancer last year...also she is from Montana, so go figure.
3 :
Hey Dottie. That's OK. You are free to pay for the test yourself - you do NOT have to rely on an insurance company. Just like you can pay to have your car 'diagnosed' and repaired, or pay for your new roof on your house (neither is covered by your car insurance or house insurance, respectively), you can pay for your own health care - especially preventive medicine. Best wishes. p.s. when Americans start paying for their own health care again, the prices will drop dramatically (economics 101).
4 :
This is really sad. I'm one of those very few who happen to be considered too young to even be considered. This sucks. Thanks for the info.

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