Tuesday, January 1, 2008

What is the cause of colon cancer and why western countries have such alarming rate of it

What is the cause of colon cancer and why western countries have such alarming rate of it?

Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
Colon cancer is caused by fecal stagnation (i.e. incomplete elimination of bowels). The part of stool that doesn't come out gets stagnated. That fecal matter when stagnated for a long period of time causes polyp growth which lead to cancer. America has very high rate of colon cancer, because Americans eat too much and most obese in world. That means a very high rate of food is put into the intestines and for some people all that food isn't able to come out for whatever reason (intestinal overload or similar or even genetics), resulting in stagnation and then becoming colon cancer. The key to preventing colon cancer is to make sure you completely eliminate your bowels. They have dangerous toxins in them and if not eliminated completely, can lead to cancer. In short eat foods that digest and pass easily. Some foods are hard on intestines and it takes lot of effort to digest it -- red meat one of them. So some researchers said red meat causes colon cancer -- but its not true. It maybe hard to digest or take time to digest but it DOES DIGEST. Another theory which has been debunked is that eat more fiber to prevent colon cancer. This theory came into notice when it was discovered fecal stagnation causes colon cancer. They thought eating more fiber will eliminate the chance of fecal stagnation. Fiber only prevents constipation, i.e. it softens the stool. The stool still has to be passed by the intestines. And the stool not passing through intestines despite being passable is the cause of this cancer. Feeling of incomplete emptying is a major symptom and warning sign of CC In colon cancer, you may not be constipated and stool is soft and easy to pass but it still fails to pass. Thats why eating more fiber theory was debunked. In 3rd world countries they do not eat that much, so less stool is generated. With that fecal stagnation chance is severely reduced. Moreover, the foods they eat are mostly liquids and fruits that pass easy like papaya, banana, etc etc. Also give time for bowel movement. Don't get up too early from the seat. That means you're only doing half of it. If this becomes chronic habit it can lead to colon cancer. Personally i disagree that colon cancer is hereditary. I just don't find any logic in this statement. You are born with good intestines. If your intestines go bad, its not the fault of parent in any way. This is the most ridiculous medical hoax I have heard.
2 :
go ahead, give the mathematician 10 points....hes workd his ass off 4 it....hahhahahahah
3 :
No one knows what causes cancer – any cancer. Although colon cancer is rarely hereditary it can be and it has been proven. There are several hereditary types. Mortality and incidence rates have declined since their peak in the mid 1950s with a lifetime risk in the United States of about 5%. The l0owest incidence is in South America and Arab Israelis. People in third world countries die earlier than we do often from things eliminated here long ago and are not often old enough to get cancer. The short answer to your question is we don’t know, but it is thought to be environmental.