Saturday, March 12, 2011

Is it possible to get colon cancer under 21 years of age

Is it possible to get colon cancer under 21 years of age?

Cancer - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
that is extremely rare. does the disease run in your family? unless you have some extenuating circumstances then the chances would be very slim, but see a doctor just to be on the safe side.
2 :
yes. sorry to say yes. i worked in a cancer ward for five years and saw a 22 year old die of lung cancer and never smoked. unfortunately the reality is that anyone is suseptible to cancer of all kinds at any age but the good thing is that cancer is more treatable now than it has ever been. get a colonoscopy if you are worried. nowadays you can even have the feces treated for abnormal cells in your colon.
3 :
Yes it is possible I have seen it. Tho like said above its not common
4 :
The sad thing is that even children get cancer... very unfortunate, I got skin cancer at 49,the procedure was a real bummer,now I Im hoping it doset come back,,,never know
5 :
it is possible, also please check with a doctor if you suspect something is wrong
6 :
Rare, but possible. Risk factors include some types of inflammatory bowel disease and a condition known as familial polyposis. Another risk factor is having a parent or grandparent with colon cancer. Genetic markers have been discovered that point to high risk. They have as yet to be widely used, but that should change in the not too distant future.
7 :
I ABSOLUTELY believe ANY cancer can happen to anyone at ANY age. I was only 19 when diagnosed with Breast Cancer. The only way for you to know for sure if you have cancer is to see your dr and get screened and tested. Good luck to you. I understand your concern!

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