Sunday, March 20, 2011

If I get colon cancer, is it my patriotic duty to die while waiting for treatment like they do in Canada

If I get colon cancer, is it my patriotic duty to die while waiting for treatment like they do in Canada?

Politics - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
According to the dictator, yes.
2 :
You have to do your part for the collective. For the collective. For the collective. For the collective. For the collective,,,etc,etc
3 :
Yes it is.
4 :
According to some, either you wait and die, or you are a racist. Which would you rather be? Dead or racist?
5 :
Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
6 :
Well, if you did that you would certainly be doing the rest of us a favor.
7 :
Well, I have a good friend in Calgary who has precisely the illness you discuss, and he's doing FAR BETTER than he would in the U.S., and getting far more extensive treatment. In the U.S., his insurance would've been exhausted YEARS ago, and he'd be bankrupt by now. In fact, he seems to be cancer free, and at 61, plans on going back to work very soon. I know it's nice to make things up, and pick strange cases, like those parts of Canada which have very few MRI installations, and just generally indulge in all sorts of fantasy and "straw man" sophist hallucinations, but the realities are quite different. I know many Canadians, and NOT ONE wants to go back to the old system. Nor does anyone in Europe. Our life expectancy is 45th in the world among measured states. Everyone above us has some kind of national health guarantee. So what part of reality did you fail to understand? You need to learn a little about reality, and spend less time listening to the hack whores of paid neo-Nazi propaganda on Fox and similar hate facilities and fiction outlets.
8 :
Canada has had healthcare for all it's citizens for over 35 years. Canada is a democracy and could have voted the healthcare system out at any time. They are very happy with their healthcare system. You are falling for the lies and fear tactics the greedy -ass insurance companies are promoting to try to stop us from finally having a decent healthcare system for all Americans.

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