Monday, February 28, 2011

What is colon cancer

What is colon cancer?
I might have colon cancer..How serouse is this?
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Cancer of the stomach and it's very serious, nothing to play with. If you think you might have this, you need to get checked by a Doctor asap, that way they can detect if it's spreading or not.
2 :
Colon cancer is a cancer that starts in the large intestine (colon). Cancer in general is characterized by disordered growth of cells that invade surrounding tissues and sometimes have the potential to spread. Colon cancer is very serious, but if discovered early has a very good chance of being successfully treated.
3 :
The colon and rectum are organs of the digestive system located in the abdomen and pelvis between the small intestine and the anal canal. Together, the colon and rectum make up the large intestine or colon. Because of their close proximity, cancers of the two organs are often discussed together under the term colorectal cancer. The treatment and pattern of recurrence of colon and rectal cancer are affected by the location of the primary tumor and its relationship to the surrounding structures. The colon initiates at the juncture between the small intestine and the large intestine, called the ileocecal sphincter (valve). The first part of the colon is the cecum, with the appendix lying at the lower edge. The ascending colon travels up vertically on the right side of the abdomen to the hepatic flexure, and then the transverse colon, which is often not transverse, extends across the abdomen and normally hangs down in a loop which may be as low as the pelvis. Finally, the descending colon leads down vertically on the left side of the body and terminates in the sigmoid colon, which is the narrowest part of the large bowel, and it terminates with the upper rectum. The rectum is the last section of the gastrointestinal tract and leads to the anus. (quote from: Suggestions: 1. visit the website "" for more details about the symptoms, effects, causes and prevention of colon cancer, as well as a wide range of therapies. 2. Don't guess by yourself, it's very dangerous to do so. Pls visit a specialty doctor ASAP. Cancer is more possible to be cured in the early stage.
4 :
It is cancer of the large intestion... Cancer of the large intestion is serious.. Go to a doc. so they can check you out..but don't freak... Get help as soon as possable.

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