Thursday, March 4, 2010

Colon Cancer Chemo Question for anyone who has ever experienced it, first or second hand

Colon Cancer Chemo Question for anyone who has ever experienced it, first or second hand...?
Can someone who has ever been through chemotherapy for colon cancer or sat through a chemo treatment with someone or who is in oncology field please give me a run down of what a typical chemotherapy infusion is like for a patient? Specifically, I'm looking at the FOLFOX regimen. I'm a writer and I'm trying to describe my character's first chemotherapy treatment, so a full account with as many details as you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 : Hope this helps
2 :
i had leukaemia when i was 14 my first treatment was wierd. i still couldnt quite believe that i was actually having CHEMOTHERAPY. it was such a grown up word. Any way it was a drug called Daunorubicine, a bright orang liquid , as soon as i saw it going down the tube attatched to my drip, my stomach turned. I kept waiting for the side effects too kick in, i was thinking my hair is gonna drop out in 5, 4, 3 , 2, 1 and it didnt.. i kept tugging on it thinking the sooner it comes out the better. . i felt sick afterward and and i had to drink 4 litres of water in the next hour, when i peed it was bright orang just tlike the medicine. that nihgt i suffered the worst stomach craps EVER. my next treatment was a lumbar puncture and intrathecal methotrexate (an injection in the base of your spine) they sedated me, but i woke up as they were putting the needle in. ive fell traumatised nby that ever sinceand hate people touching my lower back. anyt way i held my breath when i wokeup and wouldnt breathe out cos of the pain, and i almost suffocated, afterwoods, i had to lay on my back for half an hour. if you sit up after it can give you a migraine. i puked alll night
3 :
I don't have first hand knowledge of this, but my wife treated for colon cancer and this was the chemotherapy she received. She said her treatments were not that bad at first (very little loss of energy and no side effects), but later in the treatment she had terrible numbness in her fingers and feet, extreme nausia, and loss of energy. It took about 3 treatments before she felt any side effects. Also, she may not be a typical patient because she is in her late 30's and also received daily radiation at the same time as the chemo. Good luck with your research.
4 :
This was on the news in upstate New York, and I'm telling everyone who will listen. CANCER: On the news it was found that Swedish scientists found that human breast milks kills cancer in a petri dish. People who drink it have had some success in fighting off cancer. You need a prescription and it's not the cheapest thing to obtain, but it works.

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