Monday, December 1, 2008

How to prevent colon cancer

How to prevent colon cancer?
I use one powerful method: ignoring the use of toiletpaper made of poisonous wood. Any other advices? If you ate red beet salad, do not get panicked after your toilet, do not run to the doctor. You may find noble or wicked doctors? If you feel no pain, you are healthy.
Cancer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There is no sure-fire way to avoid cancer. But you can try eating a diet high in fiber: Research suggests that fiber helps. Good luck!
2 :
I know some people on herpes site, have this colon cancer. They may share some experience with us. Check personal blog there.
3 :
a high fiber diet
4 :
See Dr. Dean Ornish's findings in regard to prostate cancer here - . A lot of the same info applies for colon cancer. He says, "the more people changed their diet and lifestyle, the more improvement we measured. In order to reverse disease, people needed to make much bigger changes than most doctors had been recommending."
5 :
Okay, if you eat beets than your urine is pink and your stool is red, due to the beets, that is a known fact and the doctors are very well aware of that. My toilet paper is verys soft and I never had a splinter from it. I rather use toilet paper than newspaper.

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