Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Colon cancer question? please help

Colon cancer question? please help?
my uncle found out in February that he had colon cancer & that it had spread to his liver. the doctors told him that he has had it for 4 years and it is stage 5 cancer. before this, he did not know that he had cancer being that he didnt go to the doctor unless it was an emergency. he is now on chemo (he has went in for 2 treatments by now) how long do you think he will survive?
Cancer - 1 Answers
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Sorry to hear about your uncle that is devastating news for anyone. My mom just passed away from cancer she too had colon with metastasis to the liver lung and spleen. Depending on how much of the liver is involved. If the liver is not bad and he responds to treatment his chances are good. But only God knows for sure. Best of Luck.

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