Thursday, October 16, 2008

How long can one surive for after being cured for first stage colon cancer

How long can one surive for after being cured for first stage colon cancer....?
my friend is 21 years old,male....the doctor thinks that 99 percent chances are he has stage 0 or stage 1 at most colon cancer...if the cancer is 100 percent removed then can he survive like a normal person and live till old age....just for personal knowledge what about other cancers at stage 0 or 1 like throat,liver,lungs and stomach cancers....thanks
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Normal life expectancy for people lucky enough to have resectable malignancies found in early stages. Age 21 is very young for adenocarcinoma of the colon. This may be a reportable case. Of course people with lung carcinomas and throat carcinomas are usually cigarette smokers which limits life expectancy.
2 :
my mother had colon cancer in 1983 it was caught early she had surgery and will turn 88 this week
3 :
Stage zeros are very treatable because they were detected early and have not advanced from the original site. For colon cancer, 96% of the people diagnosed with it had surgery and then moved on with their lives, and were still alive 5 years later (5 years with no cancer is considered a cure), and later died/will die of old age or anything else. They are essentially colon cancer free. Stage ones are very similar, only the 5 year survival rate is slightly lower at 90%. Also treated with surgery. The main reason why the numbers aren't at 100% is because of lower rates in less developed countries, where surgeons may not be as experienced. This of course doesn't apply to the experienced surgeons who live in the western world in countries like the USA, Canada, the UK and Western Europe.

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