Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Is colon cancer a likely diagnosis

Is colon cancer a likely diagnosis?
I am 20 years old. I know that it is unlikely for someone under 50 to get it, I have been having some of the symptoms. I have been perpetually constipated for over 8 months. My stool is hard and limited. I have low blood pressure (82/60). I am constantly fatigued. I have recently had headaches which I had never had before. And I have bloody noses almost every month. No bloody stools yet. Gas and cramps are common for me. No significant weight loss yet.
Cancer - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You answered your question yourself: "I am 20 years old. I know that it is unlikely for someone under 50 to get it"
2 :
Aside from the low blood pressure which is usually congenital - runs in families - most of what you're describing sounds like symptoms from excessive levels of stress. I would recommend you start cutting back on coffee and sodas. I also think you should start avoiding artificial sweeteners, especially Neutra Sweet. Wherever possible try to eliminate excessive noise levels in your environment - loud tv's or radios, turning off the ringer on your cell-phone, etc. A lot of high strung people have problems with stress and don't realize how much stress they put upon themselves through their own personal habits.

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