Thursday, March 20, 2008

Is colon cancer surgery the worst surgery for patients

Is colon cancer surgery the worst surgery for patients?
aren't the doctors basically cutting ur a_s_s? I would think that's the most horrible embarassing surgery there is. & u can't even do #2 either, isn't it? How do I prevent myself of getting it?
Cancer - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
ohh yeah
2 :
All they do is stick a tube up your butt and look. I have had it and yes it sucks but your better in no time. You can't eat for a day before that's the sucky part.
3 :
Well my step father had colon cancer and the worst part for him is he has to go to the bathroom faster because they took part of this intestine out. and hes nerves in his hands are shot to hell (they left him on the operating table for to long). But discuss it with your doctor get checked when you need to so if you do get it you can catch it in the early stages.
4 :
Sounds like maybe you have some butt issues. Doctors and nurses don't, as a rule. They treat colon cancer patients pretty much the same as other cancer patients, with compassion and caring. I have known of people with oral cancer who have had their tongues cut out ... women with breast cancer who have had their breasts cut off ... as the old commercial says, parts is parts. When someone tells you you have cancer, you're way more concerned about how advanced it is, and how effective the treatments will be (IOW, whether you get to live or not), rather than someone looking at your butt.
5 :
No, there are many worse... Incision site for colon cancer is usually on the front of the belly - like appendectomies. If the cancer is small, the surgeon snips out that segment and can stretch the bowel to hook it up again. Sometimes they bring the gut out to the belly, but later hook it up again. Sometimes the cancer is too big and you poop into a baggy thing taped onto your belly. Its really not too much of a big deal. Hot Lips Houlihan on MASH had one since her early 20s - and you can't tell at all on the show. To PREVENT COLON CANCER; Go have a screening colonoscopy by a Gastroenterologist. If you're perfect you need one every 10 years. Yes they stick a small smooth cable camera up your butt, but the happy juice means you don't care
6 :
Firstly, you're asleep...who cares what part they are looking at. And no, they are not cutting your ass, they cut from the front from stomach to ribs. And in many cases, they cut out only part of the colon, and re-join the ends. In that case, you can still have a bowel movement afterwards. And what's more by people who have seen it all before, many times,....or explaining to your family that you are going to die because you are too embarrassed to allow a doctor to treat you?
7 :
Colorectal cancer occurs when cells in the colon or rectum grow and multiply uncontrollably, damaging surrounding tissue and interfering with the normal function of the colon or rectum. The cells can spread to other parts of the body. When the disease spreads, it is still called colorectal cancer. ~Symptoms include: • rectal bleeding • blood in the stool or toilet after a bowel movement • prolonged diarrhea or constipation • a change in the size or shape of your stool • abdominal pain or a cramping pain in your lower stomach • a feeling of discomfort or urge to have a bowel movement when there is no need ~prior to the surgery, the colon is cleaned throughly to drcrease the chances of infection. this is done using strong laxatives and enemas, or by the patient drinking a gallon of a special cleansing solution on the night before the surgery to ?"flush out" the colon. ~this surgery is done under general anesthesia with the patient asleep. ~an incision is made in the abdomen. the abdomen is then entered. ~the part of the colon that is involved with cancer is taken out surgically and the remaining colon is connected, or `anastomosed,` back together with sutures. ~when the cancer involves the lower rectum or anus, another incision may be placed near the rectum. ~after taking out the cancer, there may be no colon left to attach the remaining colon to. at that point, the colon is rerouted to the outside of the abdomen through yet another incision. this type of surgery is known as `colostomy. ` ~sometimes a colostomy is necessary if the surgeon thinks that an anastomosis reconnecting the colon will not be successful. this may be the case if the colon is not believed clean enough at the time of surgery.
8 :
colon cancer surgery is extensive , risky and messy specially the colostomy care ,

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