Saturday, June 16, 2012

Colon cancer sex

Colon cancer sex?
I have recently started dating a guy who is undergoing treatment for colon cancer. We haven't discussed sex other then the fact that due to the treatment he has told me he is not able to. I am wandering whether after the treatment will he be able to resume a normal sex life and how do I go about bringing up the subject or do I just wait till he brings it up?
Cancer - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I don't know the answer to your first question but DON'T bring it up before he does! You will come across as caring more about when and how he can bring you pleasure than about his cancer and recovery.
2 :
I suggest you find out more about his treatment regimen and do some research on the net. If he is in the midst of chemo he has a lot of other things on his mind and body
3 :
It all depends on the situation. Do your own research on the internet but I wouldn't ask him. You will just being making him feel back because he can not. My mother had colon cancer for 5 years and eventually died from it and she was unable to have sex the whole time. It depends on how bad the cancer is.
4 :
The man is going through cancer treatment and feels bad enough, let him approach you about sex. I'm not saying you are putting pressure on him, I'm sure he is putting it on himself, just be there for him and let him take control. Good Luck KG
5 :
As far as his cancer is concerned, please let him know, that you are there for him and that the sex, is not what's important right now, his health is. I understand that you have your sexual needs and i'm sure if he was up to it, he would do everything in his power, to fulfill your needs. You have to understand, he's going through a really tough time right now, with his treatments and i'm sure you know, it can take a toll, on his body. I would let him bring the subject of sex up, when he get's to feeling better, I guarantee you, it will be well worth the weight. I want to let you know, I have so much respect for you and I don't even know you. I say this because you are still with this guy, regardless of his condition, some women would have left him, the moment they found out, that he was sick. The good Lord, will bless you in so many ways, you just wait and see. I wish him the best, in his request for remission and trust me, the good Lord is going to heal him, just have faith. You are a good person, God Bless you.
6 :
If this man is going through chemo right now, understand some days just dragging yourself out of bed is a chore. This thing saps your strength & energy, it leaves your muscles aching & sore. That would be a lot for him right now. When the treatments are over life changes, slowly the side effects go away. Then will be the time he can feel human again. I hope the treatments are successful & he can take his life back. Be patient & see where this thing goes. For now he has enough to deal with.

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