Monday, April 12, 2010

Is there any cure for colon cancer for men

Is there any cure for colon cancer for men?
my dad has colon cancer and 9 out of 12 lymph nodes are cancerand wihout chemo they give him 6 months to live
Men's Health - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
due to pharmacy industries there are no cure,due to god who created the earth say there is.
2 :
You know, my father have right know a colon cancer but he said to me I have never are thinking about it . In my opinion, the faith move mountains. Pray all the time. Tell him he can read...sing...slepp...go to the cinema....Go luck
3 :
I've been curing cancer with apricot seeds for decades until the FDA locked me up for interfering with customers to the AMA and SMK and such. You want a piece of me you can get me at my site . JV

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