Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How many people survive stage 4 colon cancer? if so, how long do they last

How many people survive stage 4 colon cancer? if so, how long do they last?

Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Stage 4 is terminal. They might be able to sustain a stage 4 patient for 2 years or so. The end result is that they aren't going to make it. The rest of the story is that neither are you or I. We are all terminal and we may meet the Maker tomorrow in front of a truck or just fade away in our sleep. The fact is, we are all terminal and nobody is going to get out of this alive. The main concern is to determine where we are going to go NEXT! No matter if your day of destruction is tomorrow or 2 years from tomorrow, you need to prepare for that inevitable end. Our salvation is found in Romans - Philemon ... Belief in the ONE Lord, ONE Faith and ONE baptism (not of water). It isn't what we do (or don't do). It isn't about our behavior. It IS about what we BELIEVE. Abraham's belief was counted unto him as righteousness. Yours is too. Johnny
2 :
I'm so sorry that something has happened in your life that you need to ask that question. Colon cancer has touched my family, both with stage 4 colon cancer that took my grandfather when I was very young, and with a pre-metastisized (sp?) carcinoma that was found in my colon nearly 20 years ago. The first thing I would say is *don't* focus too much on the numbers. The fact of the matter is that, whatever percentage you may see, it reflects at least thousands of people who have beat this horrible disease. Treatment options continue to expand and improve. Regardless of the treatment path that is chosen, one of the most important things in recovery is the person's *outlook* on recovery. Knowing in your heart that you can beat it, and telling yourself you *can* beat it is so very important. If you want to look at numbers, it's also important to remember that it's more than just the "stage" of the cancer that plays a part. Some of the impact is in the organs that are affected and the level at which they are affected. For example, the link below indicates that there is a *much* higher survival rate for stage IV colon cancer patients that have 3 or fewer liver mestates (as high as 30%, compared with the 5% rate that is often quoted for stage IV colon cancer in general.)
3 :
Stage 4 carcinoma/cancer is terminal depends on how aggressive the treatment is and how relatively healthy the person is..meaning other diseases this person may have like diabetes or heart disease. As to how long the life span is no one knows but the good Lord himself

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