Saturday, May 1, 2010

Question about colon cancer and bloating

Question about colon cancer and bloating?
if you had colon cancer and were bloated, you wouldn't be bloated just after meals, you'd be bloated all the time ( including in the morning when you first wake up) right? I'm worried I have it and persistent bloating is my most common symptom. I get it every day. thank you
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
Persistent bloating is usually caused by intestinal gas or constipation. It is a common symptom of intestinal parasites, Celiac disease, or irritable bowel syndrome. It is an uncommon symptom of colon cancer regardless of the circumstances, and it would not likely be the only symptom if you had cancer. If bloating is pretty much the only symptom, Celiac disease is the most likely cause. To test out the possibility of Celiac disease, you can try eliminating gluten from your diet to see if there is any improvement. It usually takes at least 2 weeks after eliminating gluten for the symptoms to go away.
2 :
Bloating isn't a sign of colorectal cancer. Generally this type of cancer presents with non-specific symptoms like weight loss, loss of appetite and malaise. However left-side colon cancer may cause constipation or other changes in bowel habits. Everyone over fifty should talk to their doctor regularly about screening for colorectal cancer. If your symptoms are very troubling to you, you should talk to your doctor too because he may be able to help. But bloating alone is not a sign of cancer.

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