can he or she can get colon cancer at a young age?
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yes it can happen to anyone at any age.
2 :
Yes. Anyone can get colon cancer at any age. It sad but true!
3 :
yeah anyone can.
4 :
There is a type of hereditary colon cancer . . but overall cancer is AGE SPECIFIC . . which means that teenagers get different types of cancers than older adults . . and colon cancer is a cancer that OLDER people get. There are tons of information and advertising about colon, lung, and breast cancer . . but what none of those advertisements tell you is that these diseases affect OLDER adults . .not young people. For reasons not entirely understood . . each age group biologically tends to get only certain types of cancer . . older adults seem to almost always get major organ related cancers like lung, colon, breast, pancreatic cancers . . while young people tend to get blood cancers, lymphatic cancers, bone and soft tissue sarcoma's . . more young people tend to get the small blue cell cancers often associated with the primitive cells of childhood. So older people get cancers because their cells have aged . . while young people get cancers from young primitive cells . . in general only . . there are always exceptions to every rule with cancer. So . . except for a hereditary type of colon cancer . . colon cancer is not a disease of the young. You can find out which cancers are more common to teenagers at the American Society of Clinical Oncology website which explains the AGE SPECIFIC types of cancers for various age groups: ASCO: Cancer in Teens Common Cancer Types that affect Teenagers: Central Nervous System, Childhood Cancer Childhood Cancer (Overview) Ewing's Sarcoma, Childhood Cancer Germ Cell Tumors, Childhood Cancer Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin, Childhood Cancer Leukemia, Acute Lymphoblastic (ALL), Childhood Cancer Leukemia, Acute Myeloid (AML), Childhood Cancer Melanoma Ovarian Cancer Osteosarcoma, Childhood Cancer Sarcoma Testicular Cancer
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