Thursday, May 20, 2010

Is a teenager more likely to get colon cancer or prostate cancer

Is a teenager more likely to get colon cancer or prostate cancer?
I know these cancers are mostly an old man's disease, lets say some kid gets unlucky...which of these two cancers would happen most likely?
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
neither. teenagers are too young to get any kind of cancer. your only either born with it or you get it later in life. dont worry.
2 :
Wrong wrong wrong shady. you are not born with it. We fight off cancers every day. Our immune system is a marvelous thing. However sometimes things happen and a cancer develops. If we knew why, we could cure it. Now as for the question, since both usually show up later in life, I would say its a 50/50.
3 :
No one is ever too young to get colon cancer, although 90% of cases are in adults over the age of 50. Prostate cancer is rarely seen in men under the age of 45, but testicular cancer is the most common cancer in American males between the ages of 14 and 34. I currently know a 36 year old male in stage 4 colon cancer. Also, (a friend's husband) a 31 year old male who was recently diagnosed with testicular cancer.
4 :
probably neither

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