Wednesday, December 24, 2008

How high is the percentage of getting colon cancer if my maternal grandmother died of it in her 50's

How high is the percentage of getting colon cancer if my maternal grandmother died of it in her 50's?

Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Not much higher then most people. Probably less then 10%. Colon cancer screen and treatment has come a long way in the last 10-20 years also. Most people survive it, espeically with early detection. Paul, this is true. But the figures are greater for a parent or sibling with cancer. Not as much for a grandparent.
2 :
I disagree with Iceman. You have a higher genetic propensity to any cancer if members of your family have had the same cancer. BUT, this is one of many factors, and how you behave yourself has more of an effect than any genetic predisposition. Eat healthy, lots of fiber, little red meat, lots of veggies. Keep close touch with your doctor, and you have already lowered your risk considerably. Good Luck!
3 :
It is the same as everyone else 5% over your lifetime. Your risk doubles with a first degree relative with colon cancer not a second degree relative. Your mother should start getting colonoscopies when she is 10 years younger than your grandmother was at diagnosis.

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